Birka needsreview (13013)
Iepriekšējie 100
Nākamie 100
- crash report - avāriju ziņojumi[LvLoc]
- query by attribute -
- query by shape -
Vaicājums, kuram kā kritērijs tiek izmantots laukums, līnija vai punkts.
- query by point -
- query by coordinates -
Vaicājuma veikšana kā kritēriju izmantojot koordinātes.
- teaser -
- dormant -
- sentence case -
Apzīmē tādu lielo burtu lietošanu, kā teikumā. "Sentence case."
- cut-off date -
- deserialize -
- nested display - iegultais displejs[LvLoc]
- map file - atbilstību fails[LvLoc]
- pinned - piesprausts[LvLoc]
- role - loma[LvLoc]
- crossfade -
- instatiate -
- instantiate -
- occurence -
- occurrence -
- autoopen -
Automātiska faila atvēršana izmantojot ar faila tipu asociēto aplikāciju. Tas pats, kas autorun, tikai ja tiek pieprasīts atvērt failu (piem. HTML lapu) nevis to izpildīt.
- launcher - palaidējprogramma[LvLoc], palaidējs[LvLoc]
- user view - lietotāja skats[LvLoc]
- data modelling facility - datu modelēšanas līdzeklis[LvLoc]
- data structuring rule - datu strukturēšanas kārtula[LvLoc]
- data object - datu objekts[LvLoc]
- data manipulation rule - datu manipulēšanas kārtula[LvLoc]
- conceptual level - konceptuālais līmenis[LvLoc]
- conceptual schema - konceptuālā shēma[LvLoc]
- conceptual subschema - konceptuālā apakšshēma[LvLoc]
- universe of discourse - priekšmetjoma[LvLoc]
- information base - pamatinformācija[LvLoc]
- attribute value - atribūtvērtība[LvLoc]
- attribute domain - atribūtvērtību apgabals[LvLoc]
- attribute class - atribūtklase[LvLoc]
- digital art - datormāksla[LvLoc], digitāls mākslas darbs[LvLoc]
- digital artist - datormākslinieks[LvLoc]
- digital photographer - digitālfotogrāfs[LvLoc]
- trash can - atkritumu tvertne[LvLoc], miskaste[LvLoc]
- redundant - pārpietiekams[LvLoc], pārpilnīgs[LvLoc], redundants[LvLoc]
"Redundancy, in general terms, refers to the quality or state of being redundant, that is: exceeding what is necessary or normal; or duplication. This can have a negative connotation, especially in rhetoric: superfluous or repetitive; or a positive implication, especially in engineering: serving as a duplicate for preventing failure of an entire system."
- Autodetection - automātiskā noteikšana[LvLoc]
- per click -
- aborting - pārtraukšana[LvLoc]
- higscore - rekords[LvLoc]
- rng - gadījumskaitļu ģenerators[LvLoc], gsg[LvLoc]
- AES -
- Advanced Encryption Standard - uzlabotais šifrēšanas standarts[LvLoc]
- stream cipher - plūsmas šifrs[LvLoc]
- Cartesian product - Dekarta reizinājums[LvLoc]
- cbc -
In the cipher-block chaining (CBC) mode, each block of plaintext is XORed with the previous ciphertext block before being encrypted. This way, each ciphertext block is dependent on all plaintext blocks processed up to that point. Also, to make each message unique, an initialization vector must be used in the first block.
(c) Wikipedia
- cipher block chaining - šifra bloku ķēdēšana[LvLoc]
In the cipher-block chaining (CBC) mode, each block of plaintext is XORed with the previous ciphertext block before being encrypted. This way, each ciphertext block is dependent on all plaintext blocks processed up to that point. Also, to make each message unique, an initialization vector must be used in the first block.
(c) Wikipedia
- cryptanalysis - kriptoanalīze[LvLoc]
- in production - ekspluatācijā[LvLoc]
- brute force - pilnā pārlase[LvLoc], rupjā spēka metode[LvLoc]
- cfb -
The cipher feedback (CFB) mode, a close relative of CBC, makes a block cipher into a self-synchronizing stream cipher. Operation is very similar; in particular, CFB decryption is almost identical to CBC encryption performed in reverse.
(c) Wikipedia
- ciphertext feedback - šifrteksta šifrizmantošana[LvLoc]
The cipher feedback (CFB) mode, a close relative of CBC, makes a block cipher into a self-synchronizing stream cipher. Operation is very similar; in particular, CFB decryption is almost identical to CBC encryption performed in reverse.
(c) Wikipedia
- corollary - blakus rezultāts[LvLoc], sekas[LvLoc], secinājums
- counterexample - pretpiemērs[LvLoc]
- GPS -
The Global Positioning System (GPS) is the only fully functional Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS).
- preload -
- prng - pseidogadījumskaitļu ģenerators[LvLoc]
Pseudo Random Number Generator
- pseudo random number generator - pseidogadījumskaitļu ģenerators[LvLoc]
- esd - elektrostatiskā izlāde[LvLoc]
Electostatic Discharge
- electrostatic discharge - elektrostatiskā izlāde[LvLoc]
- EMI - elektromagnētiskie traucējumi[LvLoc]
- electromagnetic interference - elektromagnētiskie traucējumi[LvLoc]
- mitm -
Man-in-the-Middle [attack]
- man in the middle -
- security through obscurity -
- mod
, modulo - pēc moduļa[LvLoc]
- nonrepudiation - nenoliedzamība[LvLoc]
Non-repudiation is the concept of ensuring that a contract cannot later be denied by either of the parties involved. In regard to digital security, non-repudiation means that it can be verified that the sender and the recipient were, in fact, the parties who claimed to send or receive the message, respectively. In other words, non-repudiation of origin proves that data has been sent, and non-repudiation of delivery proves it has been received.
No "Wikipedia":http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nonrepudiation
- snake oil -
- single point of failure -
- seed - piedāvāt[LvLoc], sēkla[LvLoc]
- random seed -
- seed state -
- deinterlace -
Deinterlacing is the process of converting interlaced video, like common analog television signals, into a non-interlaced form.
- interlace -
- syntax highlighting - sintakses izcelšana[LvLoc]
- backtrace - atpakaļceļš[LvLoc]
No Wikipedia:
A stack trace (also called stack backtrace or stack traceback) is a report of the active stack frames instantiated by the execution of a program.
Although stack traces may be generated anywhere within a program, they are mostly used to aid debugging by showing where exactly an error occurs. The last few stack frames often indicate the origin of the bug
- transient - pārejošs[LvLoc]
- workaround -
- tutorial - pamācība[LvLoc]
- animate - animēt[LvLoc], padarīt kustīgu[LvLoc]
- fallback - atkāpšanās[LvLoc]
Datoru kontekstā parasti nozīmē sekundāro sistēmu, kuru izmantot gadījumā ja primārā sabojājas.
Vēl arī piem. norādot sistēmas valodu. Ir primārā valoda, kas varbūt ir nepilnīgi iztulkota un "fallback" valoda, no kuras ņemt tekstu, gadījumā ja primārajā valodā nav tulkojuma.
- recent documents - nesenie dokumenti[LvLoc]
- method signature - metodes signatūra[LvLoc]
- key fingerprint - atslēgas id-summa[LvLoc], atslēgas identificētājsumma[LvLoc]
- unmount - atmontēt[LvLoc], nomontēt[LvLoc]
Wikipedia: Unix system utility to make a file system accessible at a certain point in the directory tree
- trash files -
- baseline -
Ar šo apzīmē kādu fiksētu stāvokli ar ko salīdzināt šobrīdējo stāvokli.
Tas var būt failu sistēmas stāvoklis, datubāzes stāvoklis, utt.
Pamatā izmanto regresijas testiem.
Vairāk info skat: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baseline_%28configuration_management%29
- attach tab -
- lock key - slēgtaustiņš[LvLoc]
- system bell -
- debounce -
- bounce keys -
BounceKeys: Enables the user to introduce a delay time between keystrokes during which the system will not acknowledge repeated key presses of the same key. Target users are people whose tremors cause them to unintentionally bounce on, or repeatedly press and release the same key.
No: http://accessibility.freestandards.org/a11yspecs/kbd/keyboard-access-func-spec.html
- slow keys -
SlowKeys: Enables users to control the amount of time a key must be pressed before the system sends a key press event to the active application or tool. Target users are those who accidently press more than one key when they when interacting with the platform's.
- colorset -
- saturate - piesātināt[LvLoc]
cause (a chemical compound, vapour, solution, magnetic material) to unite with the greatest possible amount of another substance
- desaturate -
- carbon copy -
Iepriekšējie 100
Nākamie 100