Birka needsreview (13013)
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- ymodem - ymodems[TK]
Asinhronas datņu pārsūtīšanas protokols, kas uzskatāms par Xmodema paplašinājumu. Ymodems nodrošina pakešdatņu pārsūtīšanu, ļaujot izveidot pārsūtāmo datņu sarakstu un veikt visu šajā sarakstā minēto datņu vienlaicīgu pārsūtīšanu, kā arī atklāt pārsūtīšanas procesā radušās kļūdas, izmantojot ciklisko redundances pārbaudi.
- zero stuffing - nuļlu iestarpināšana[TK]
Sk. ^bit stuffing^.
- zero supression - nuļlu nomākšana[TK]
Skaitļa nenozīmīgo sākuma vai beigu nuļļu atmešana. Nenozīmīgas ir tās nulles, kas atrodas skaitļa kreisajā pusē pirms tā veselās daļas un skaitļa labajā pusē aiz tā daļveida daļas. Tā, piem., skaitlis 001.120 var tikt izdrukāts kā 1.12.
- zip disk - tilpdisks[TK]
Firmas Iomega Corporation diskdziņa noņemams cietais disks, kurā var ierakstīt līdz 100 megabaitiem informācijas
- zmodem - zmodems[TK]
Asinhronas datņu pārsūtīšanas protokols, kas uzskatāms par Xmodema uzlabojumu, jo nodrošina lielāku datu pārsūtīšanas ātrumu un efektīvāku pārraides kļūdu atklāšanu. Bez tam Zmodemā paredzēta iespēja veikt restartu no kontrolpunkta. Tas ļauj atjaunot pārraidi nevis no sākuma, bet gan no punkta, kurā tā pārtraukta datu pārraides līnijas bojājuma gadījumā.
- Sajaukt -
- handout master layout - izdales materiāla sagataves izklājums[LvLoc]
- validator -
_formām_ - Vadīklas parametrs kurā raksta izteiksmi/funkciju, kas izpildoties pārbauda vadīklā ievadīto datu korektumu. Ja dati ir korekti izteiksme atgriež - TRUE, pretējā gadījumā FALSE. FALSE gadījumā parasti ievades kursors atgriežas attiecīgajā vadīklā
- geek -
- chevron - šautra[LvLoc]
Figūra - !http://www.diglat.lv/chevron.jpg!
- moniker -
*no Wikipedia*
The Marshal.BindToMoniker method, a part of the Microsoft .NET Framework, is a type of activation that uses a display name moniker to create a moniker object. That object\'s BindToObject method is then used to instantiate an instance of the component.
- letterhead - veidlapa[LvLoc]
No yandex.ru -
1) шапка на фирменом бланке
2) фирменный бланк
- tune - saskaņot, pieskaņot[LvLoc]
- mapper - saistītājs[LvLoc]
- swap space - apmaiņas vieta[LvLoc], maiņvieta[LvLoc]
- detach tab -
- bitrate -
- shuffle - jaukt[LvLoc]
- trigger event - izraisīt notikumu[LvLoc]
- pathbar -
Gnome-specifisks termins, apzīmē to rindu ar podziņām "Open"/"Save" dialogos un Nautilus pārlūkā.
- rowspan -
- desktop pager - darbvirsmu lapotājs[LvLoc]
- assistive technologies - asistējošās tehnoloģijas[LvLoc]
- charset - rakstzīmju kopa[LvLoc]
- match case - reģistrjutīgs[LvLoc]
- failsafe - kļūdu drošs[LvLoc]
- frontend - fasāde[LvLoc], priekšpuse[LvLoc]
- glider - slīdnis[LvLoc]
- unmute - neapklusināt[LvLoc], neklusēt[LvLoc]
- hint - ieteikums[LvLoc]
- disabled - atslēgts[LvLoc]
- podcast - podkāsts[LvLoc], podraide[LvLoc], aplāde
Multivides datne, kas tiek izplatīta, parakstoties internetā (par maksu un bez maksas) un izmantojot sindicētās plūsmas, lai to atskaņotu līdznēsājamās ierīcēs un datoros.
- writable - rakstāms[LvLoc], rediģējams[LvLoc]
- invalid user ID -
- bootloader - ielādētājs[LvLoc]
- admin - adminis[LvLoc], administrators[LvLoc], administrācija[LvLoc], admins[LvLoc]
- data storage - datu glabātuve[LvLoc]
- logger - žurnalētājs[LvLoc]
- don't ask me again - Nevaicāt man vēlreiz[LvLoc]
- disclaimer - atruna[LvLoc]
- panelis[LvLoc]
- breadcrumb - atpakaļceļš[LvLoc]
- autorun -
- spawn - izveidot[LvLoc]
- capplet -
- permalink -
Pastāvīga, laika gaitā nemainīga saite (adrese, URL) uz kādu informāciju, parasti ziņu lapā vai blogā, kuras pašreizējā adrese vai nu nav redzama, vai arī ir īslaicīga (jaunāko ziņu sarakstā vai tml.).
- backtracking - atpakaļatgriešanās[LvLoc]
Meklēšanas metode ierobežojošu nosacījumu problēmu risināšanai. Tiek veidots iespējamo risinājumu hierarhiski sazarots koks, un tajā vispirms dziļumā, tad plašumā tiem meklēts derīgs risinājums. Sastopoties ar nederīgu risinājumu, notiek atgriešanās atpakaļ pie iepriekšējā sazarojuma, un tiek aplūkots nākamais iespējamais variants.
- trackback - atsaite[LvLoc], atsauce[LvLoc], pieminējums[LvLoc]
Blogu savstarpējas komunikācijas mehānisms, kas ļauj katram bloga ierakstam automātiski saņemt un publicēt saites uz citu blogu ierakstiem, kas ir šī ieraksta komentāri vai atsaucas uz to.
- deprecate - atmetams[LvLoc], norakstīts[LvLoc]
A feature or method marked as deprecated is one which is considered obsolete, and whose use is discouraged. The feature still works in the current version of the software, although it may raise error messages as warnings. These serve to alert the user to the fact that the feature may be removed in future releases.
- core dump -
In computing, a core dump is a record of the raw, unstructured contents of one or more regions of working memory at a specific time, generally used to debug a program that has terminated abnormally (crashed). Nowadays, it typically refers to a file containing the memory image of a particular process, or the memory images of parts of the address space of that process, along with other information such as the values of processor registers, but originally it was a printout of the entire contents of working memory.
- character encoding -
A character encoding or character set (sometimes referred to as code page) consists of a code that pairs a sequence of characters from a given set with something else, such as a sequence of natural numbers, octets or electrical pulses, in order to facilitate the storage of text in computers and the transmission of text through telecommunication networks. Common examples include Morse code, which encodes letters of the Latin alphabet as series of long and short depressions of a telegraph key; and ASCII, which encodes letters, numerals, and other symbols, both as integers and as 7-bit binary versions of those integers, generally extended with an extra zero-bit to facilitate storage in 8-bit bytes (octets).
- General terms and conditions - vispārīgie noteikumi un nosacījumi[LvLoc]
- bound control -
- sample rate -
The sampling rate, sample rate, or sampling frequency defines the number of samples per second (or per other unit) taken from a continuous signal to make a discrete signal. For time-domain signals, it can be measured in hertz (Hz). The inverse of the sampling frequency is the sampling period or sampling interval, which is the time between samples.
- shade window - saritināt logu[LvLoc]
- truncate - apraut[LvLoc], noapaļot[LvLoc]
No wikipedia:
The word truncation has several meanings.
* In numerical analysis, truncation is the term used for reducing the number of digits right of the decimal point, by discarding the least significant ones.
* Truncation (geometry) is removal of one or more parts, as for example, in truncated cube.
* In archaeology, a truncation is the removal of part of the archaeological record by a cut (archaeology).
* In computer science, truncating a file happens when a program or the user forces a file's size to be modified to some value.
* In banking, truncation means elimination of handling, sorting, transporting, storing, guarding, and mailing of paper checks.
* Truncate (SQL), a command in the SQL data manipulation language
* Truncate is a leaf shape in botany
- blogosphere - blogosfēra[LvLoc], emuārtelpa[LvLoc]
- codecs -
- reallocate -
- revert - atgriezt[LvLoc]
- tilt -
- reuse -
- keyring - atslēgu saišķis[LvLoc]
- out of memory -
- metadata -
- metadata -
- whitespace -
ASCII kodi kuri drukājot netiek attēloti.
"Whitespace" piemēri ir sekojoši simboli - Tab, Space, Non breaking space
- checkout - norēķināties[LvLoc], paņemt[LvLoc], pirkt[LvLoc], pārbaudīt[LvLoc]
- on hold - apturēts[LvLoc]
- long double -
- batch mode -
- personalize - personalizēt[LvLoc]
(personalisation) is tailoring a consumer product, electronic or written medium to a user based on personal details or characteristics they provide.
- temporarily - uz laiku[LvLoc]
- pan - panoramēt[LvLoc]
Darbība grafiskā (zīmēšanas/ĢIS) programmā, kuras rezultātā ir iespējams aplūkot citu attēla/kartes daļu nemainot mērogu (neizmantojot tālummaiņas rīkus). Parasti realizēta vai nu izmantojot pārcentrēšanu (click to recenter), vai kā velc-un-met (drag'n'drop).
- color space - krāstelpa[LvLoc], krāsu telpa[LvLoc]
A color model is an abstract mathematical model describing the way colors can be represented as tuples of numbers, typically as three or four values or color components (e.g. RGB and CMYK are color models). However, a color model with no associated mapping function to an absolute color space is a more or less arbitrary color system with little connection to the requirements of any given application.
- workbook -
- queryable -
- search string -
- georeference -
To georeference something is used to define its existence in physical space.
- software release -
- capitalize -
Automātiski mainīt reģistru.
Piem. "Capitalize first letter of sentence" - nomainīs teikuma pirmā burta reģistru tā, lai pirmais būtu lielais burts.
- pass phrase - paroles frāze[LvLoc]
No Wikipēdijas:
"A passphrase is a sequence of words or other text used to control access to a computer system, program or data. A passphrase is similar to a password in usage, but is generally longer for added security. Passphrases are often used to control both access to, and operation of, cryptographic programs and systems. Passphrases are particularly applicable to systems that use the passphrase as an encryption key. The origin of the term is by analogy with "password". The modern concept of passphrases is believed to have been invented by Sigmund N."
- snail mail -
- shopping cart - pirkumu grozs[LvLoc]
- hostname - saimniekdatora nosaukums[LvLoc], servera nosaukums[LvLoc]
- slogan -
- dual-boot - duālā sāknēšana[LvLoc]
- capitalize -
- serialize - serializēt[LvLoc]
*No Wikipēdijas:*
In computer science, in the context of data storage and transmission, serialization is the process of saving an object onto a storage medium (such as a file, or a memory buffer) or to transmit it across a network connection link, either in binary form, or in some human-readable text format such as XML. The series of bytes or the format can be used to re-create an object that is identical in its internal state to the original object (actually a clone).
- iframe -
- title case -
- decorated -
- pop-under -
Pop-up logu variants, kad jaunais logs parādās aiz aktīvā loga un lietotājs to ierauga tikai kad aktīvais logs tiek aizvērts.
Tiek lietots praktiski tikai tīmekļa reklāmas sfērā.
- tailoring - pielāgošana[LvLoc]
*Programmu* *izstrāde*
Viena un tā pati programma ne vienmēr der visiem, lai arī cik pilnīga tā būtu.
Tāpēc programmas nākas pielāgot darbam specifiskās vidēs.
Piemēram pielāgot darbam mobīlajās iekārtās.
Vai arī lai pilnīgāk noklātu tirgu veidot vairākas "pielāgotas" programmas versijas, kas atšķirās iespēju un cenas ziņā. Piem. Windows Vista.
- pingback -
No Wikipedia:
A Pingback is one of three types of Linkbacks methods for Web authors to request notification when somebody links to one of their documents. This enables authors to keep track of who is linking to, or referring to their articles. Some weblog software, such as WordPress and Community Server, support automatic pingbacks where all the links in a published article can be pinged when the article is published.
Essentially, a Pingback is a signal (ping) sent from Site A to Site B. However, it's also a link. When Site B receives the notification signal, it automatically goes back to Site A checking for the existence of a live incoming link. If that link exists, the Pingback is recorded successfully. This makes Pingbacks less prone to spam than Trackbacks.
Both sites must be Pingback enabled in order to establish this communication. If a site is Pingback enabled, each time you link-out you will be "pinging" external sites. Pingback requires for Site A to physically link to Site B.
- ripping -
Interesants apraksts skat. šeit: http://theeggeadventure.com/QandA/ripping.htm
"This is the slang term for “Audio across SCSI” or “Digital Audio Extraction.” This method of recording digitally copies (extracts) the music bit by bit directly from the CD’s surface, and does not degrade the quality of the music by converting it to analog."
- stock icon -
- credits - veidotāji[LvLoc]
Autoru/veidotāju saraksts programmai (arī citam intelektuālam produktam, piem. filmai, kas tiek rādīts sākumā un/vai beigās)
- on-the-go -
- access point - pieejas punkts[LvLoc]
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